Saturday, May 22, 2010

Poem: Before I Die

One more from my published works

Want a piece of the sky sprinkled
with the rays of the setting sun,
I will savour it's glory and reserve
it for my eyes only.

Want a patch of golden, sandy shore of evening,
Treasure it I will with everything.
Want the soft sound of the darting, wintry wind,
Wafting ghost-like in my dreams.

Want to see ripples widening in a pond
Green with reflected trees
Want to find poetry
In the flight of every beast,
And music even in a rat's squeak.

Want to inhale the perfumed breath of all flowers,
And hold the memory of their petals
in my heart.
Want to see a boisterous brook,
And a mumbling waterfall,

And tell Mother Nature,
I am not blind to her beauty after all.

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