Monday, October 31, 2011

They walk amongst us

I was at the checkout of a K-Mart. The cashier rang up $46.64 charges. I gave her a fifty dollar bill. She gave me back $46.64. I gave the money back to her and told her that she had made a mistake in MY favor.

She became indignant and informed me she was educated and knew what she was doing, and returned the money again. I gave her the money back same scenario.
I departed the store with the $46.64.
I walked into a Starbucks with a buy-one-get- one-free coupon for a Grande Latte.  I handed it to the girl and she looked over at a little chalkboard that said 'buy one-get one free.'  'They're already buy-one- get-one-free, ' she said, 'so I guess they're both free'. She handed me my free Lattes and I walked out the door.
One day I was walking down the beach with some friends when one of them shouted, 'Look at that dead bird!'

Someone looked up at the sky and said, 'Where?'


I couldn't find my luggage at the airport baggage area, so I went to the lost luggage office and told the woman there that my bags never showed up. She smiled and told me not to worry because she was a trained professional and I was in good hands.

'Now,' she asked me, has your plane arrived yet?'

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