Sunday, April 3, 2011

Joke: What are the odds?

Joe, a lonely widower, was walking home wishing something wonderful would happen when he passed a pet shop and heard a voice squawk: "Hey, you, Mister, why don't you come in and buy me?" Joe couldn't believe it.

He entered the store, looked at the bird and said: "You speak English?"

"What did you think, Korean?" the parrot answered

Joe had placed $600 down on the counter and carried the parrot in his cage away with him. All night he talked with the parrot, talking about his lonely life. The parrot told him how lonely it was to live in a cage. They became good friends.

Next morning, Joe, before he ate his breakfast, read aloud a page from the Bible. The parrot demanded to know what he was doing and when Joe explained, the parrot wanted also to read a page from the Bible. So Joe went out and ordered a miniature Bible for the parrot.

On Sunday, Joe went to his church and demanded that the parrot could come in and pray to. The Minister refused, saying a church was no place for a parrot. But Joe insisted, saying that the parrot would pray out aloud, since he was a talking parrot. He would also sing hymns.

None of the worshippers believed Joe, and they bet Joe at even odds that the parrot could not say his prayers nor sing a hymn. Thousands of dollars were bet. During the services, the parrot perched on Joe shoulder and did not open his mouth. He neither prayed nor sang hymns. After the services were concluded, Joe found that he owed his buddies over $4,000.

He paid. He marched home, quite upset. After several blocks the bird began to recite the 2nd Psalm. Joe stopped and looked at him. "You miserable bird, you cost me over $4,000. Why? Haven't I been good to you? Is this how you repay me?"

"Don't be a fool," the parrot replied. "Think of the odds next Sunday when you take me to church."

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