Sunday, April 11, 2010

Poetry: A Byte of Memory

Another published poem of yours truly.  A couple of editors at the mags where my poems got published, used to think I was pretty good, long ago.

Amidst the jumble I call my mind,
Lies embedded a weeny memory;
A byte of a little computer chip
Of days when I was carefree.

Unguarded intervals find me
Back, back to the valleys decades dead;
To see myself as once was,
And rue anew end of youth.

For, with youth walked
Courage hand-in-hand,
Joy and laughter were bosom friends,
Integrity and ethics were so dear
While deceit was something to fear.

Knew we not to affect our speech
And promises were usually easy to keep
For we based them not on imaginery flights;
But down-to-earth attainable sights.

From my vantage point down,
down in the valley
I see me - me of day this;
And nauseously I turn away
Begging nostalgia to take over and reign.

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